Public Information (PIC)
“PIC is responsible for creating greater understanding of — and preventing misunderstandings of — the A.A. program through the public media, electronic media, P.I. meetings, and speaking to community groups.” – The A.A. Service Manual p. S63
One of the missions of Alcoholic Anonymous is to help the alcoholic who still suffering from the disease. We also want to help inform the public and our general community about alcoholism, who it effects, what can be done to help those suffering from it, and what options for assistance are available.
The Public Information Committee (PIC) is our link to the general public. Speaking with professionals, schools and organizations is one way we can carry our message to the public.
If you think we may be of assistance to your organization or group, please contact us.
Radio and Television Broadcasters
Traditionally, local radio and television Stations have offered time for Public Service Announcements to non-profit organizations. While laws mandating these no-charge announcements have been modified, local broadcasters are still quite willing to accommodate recognized not-for-profit organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The Niagara Public Information Committee has numerous 30 second audio and video public service announcements available Please contact us for FREE A.A. General Service approved copies.
Carrying The Message To Everyone
The Niagara Public Information Committee would like to serve you. If you are in the Niagara area and would like information about AA or would like to send a representative to give you a presentation, please contact us. This service is free and anonymous.
PIC Members
Chair: Brian A
Volunteers: vacant