Archives Committee

“… archives committees are engaged in the work of setting up an area archives to collect and preserve area history. Written materials (books, pamphlets, newsletters, written histories), photographs, and audiotapes are the foundations of a collection. Local A.A. historical material is sought out from oldtimers, past delegates, committee members, and others with experience to share.” – The A.A. Service Manual p. S40-S41

The mission of the Archives Committee is to permanently document the work of Alcoholics Anonymous, to make the history of the organization accessible to A.A. members and other researchers, and to provide a context for understanding A.A.’s progression, principles and traditions.

The Archives Committee is enhancing your Archives collection and we need your help. We are asking groups in Area 50 to take pictures of your home group (meeting place). For example, please send photos of the building, your entrance, literature table, where you have your coffee pot-a few photos that would identify your meeting place. REMEMBER, NO PHOTOS OF MEMBERS.

These photos will be saved for posterity, and will also be used for Archives presentation to be announced at a future date. So please help us to include your home group in our presentation.

You can drop off, mail, or email photos and artifacts to:

Buffalo Central Office
Attn: Archives
111 Crocker St
Sloan, NY 14212
[email protected]

You can also bring them to an Archives meeting and see what’s going on and how we are trying to better your Archives Collection. Check the Area 50 Calendar to find out about the next meeting.